Curriculum Statement - Drama

‘Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it.’ – Bertolt Brecht

The Laurus Drama Vision is for all students, regardless of background or circumstance, to be inspired to be makers and appreciators of culture, to be empowered to have a voice in the world today, to recognise what it takes to succeed creatively, and to acquire the knowledge and qualities that not only open the door to future success but allow our students to walk through it.


Powerful Knowledge in Drama

There is more to drama than being able to perform on stage. Opportunities are embedded for students to develop and refine performance talent but equally important is the ability to understand the purpose of the theatre we create and be able to analyse and evaluate the work of others. Methodologies of theatrical practitioners are introduced throughout the key stages to enable students not only to ‘re-enact’ but to shape and express their own unique, creative ideas with a greater understanding of the need for style, audience intention and appreciation of a broad range of cultural perspectives. Embedded within this exploration of theatrical and cultural knowledge is the opportunity to build personal qualities which can be relied on to succeed, not only in drama lessons but beyond school life and in future employment. At the heart of drama is the development of these qualities in all our students; communication and oracy, creative imagination, emotional literacy, clarity of expression, autonomy, leadership confidence and collaboration.


Curriculum Features

The composites of the drama curriculum are selected to provide students with the opportunity to create, perform and evaluate a broad range of theatrical styles, texts and conventions. Lessons are designed to encourage students to be theatre makers, with theoretical knowledge being embedded through practical exploration and development of dramatic components. The curriculum structure is both horizontal and hierarchical; whilst each composite introduces new key conventions and knowledge through different cultural topics, practitioner influences and texts, retrieval opportunities throughout the key stages are designed to build complexity and depth of knowledge, enabling progression in our students’ understanding and appreciation of theatre.


Co-Curriculum Enrichment

Co-curricular opportunities in Drama are created to allow students to develop and build on expertise learnt in lessons. Clubs and activities are varied to allow all students to participate in an area of interest.

Alongside the KS3 Drama clubs there are opportunities for students to audition to be part of groups with more challenging expectations. Students are able to audition for the annual School Production, where the expectation is that all cast members develop their own performance skills, professionalism, and performance discipline.  Our TAG elective (Technical Assistance Group) provides the opportunity for students who have an interest in the technical side of theatre to work alongside industry professionals, developing their technical ability in managing and operating specialised lighting and sound equipment.

There are also opportunities for students who like to watch theatre to join our Digital Theatre club. Digital Theatre @ LCH is an elective that provides students with the opportunity to watch the world’s finest pre-recorded theatre productions. Students are exposed to many different styles of theatre from classical texts such as Macbeth by William Shakespeare performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company to more contemporary texts such as performances by a physical theatre company, Frantic Assembly.

There are also opportunities for Students to apply to become a Drama Ambassador, taking on a leadership role within the department and developing their own knowledge by planning and delivering Drama Club sessions.