KS3 Curriculum Overview

‘For every student, regardless of background or circumstance, to achieve the grades and develop the qualities which will open the door to the future of their choice.’

Laurus Trust schools provide an excellent and rounded education for all their students, regardless of their individual backgrounds, preparing them well for their future careers.

Our curriculum ensures that every student recognises what it takes to succeed, sets aspirational goals and works hard to achieve them with the support of a highly qualified and dedicated team of education professionals. It is shaped by the students as it responds to their individual needs and is underpinned by the Cornerstones of the Laurus Trust: Academic Aspiration, Leadership and Service, Competition and Physical Endeavour and Culture, Creativity and Rhetoric.

Our approach to the curriculum also complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014. For further information on how we ensure the curriculum is accessible to those with disabilities or special educational needs please see the Laurus Trust Equality Policy and our SEND Information Report, which can be found under the policies and useful documents section of our SEND webpage.

We operate a one-week, 28-lesson timetable. All lessons are 55 minutes long. Please click here to see the structure of the school day.

Key Stage 3 Overview

Year 7

Upon entry into Year 7 students are placed into one of eight Tutor Groups. All subjects will be taught in these mixed ability Tutor Groups for the first year.

View the Year 7 Knowledge and Skills Guide for more information.

Year 8

In Year 8, all students will be taught in mixed ability groups but these will no longer be based on their Tutor Group. Maths and English and Modern Foreign Languages will organise learning according to the specific needs of the year group.

View the Year 8 Knowledge and Skills Guide for more information.

Year 9

In Year 9, as in Year 8, all students will be taught in mixed ability groups. Maths and English and MFL will organise learning according to the specific needs of the year group. This may well result in students being in classes in Year 9 that are different from their classes in Year 8.

View the Year 9 Knowledge and Skills Guide for more information.

All subjects follow the relevant national curriculum programme of study. For more information please follow this link: gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum.

Curriculum Structure

Year 7
Subject  Number of Lessons
English  5
Maths  4 
Science   3 
Languages  4
History  2 
Geography  2 
Creative Design  2 
Performing Arts  2 
PE  2 
Computing  1 
Beliefs and Values   1 
Year 8
Subject                        Number of Lessons
English  4 
Maths  4 
Science   3 
Languages  5 
History  2 
Geography  2 
Creative Design  2 
Performing Arts  2 
PE  2 
Computing  1 
Beliefs and Values   1 
Year 9
Subject                         Number of Lessons
English  4 
Maths  4 
Science   3 
Languages  5 
History  2 
Geography  2 
Creative Design  2 
Performing Arts  2 
PE  2 
Computing  1 
Beliefs and Values   1 
Useful documents