Gaming & Cyberbullying


Gaming is an exciting and interactive way for young people to spend their social time. Due to the fun, challenges and different methods of play, they can want to play for long periods of time at the expense of other things in their life.

This can make young people over-reliant on gaming and lead to an addiction to playing. They must avoid playing games for long periods of time each day and may need help managing and understanding when they have been playing too long or are becoming dependent. Children should never accept game requests or gifts from strangers.

It could be worthwhile setting limits on length of play or periods on the day when gaming is allowed. Try to encourage young people to maintain their hobbies and interests. If they are currently spending too long gaming, and you have concerns, try to introduce alternative activities. Some children may need support from their GP for further advice and support.

The websites below offer further guidance on this issue:

Internet Matters


There are further links to information about apps and games at the foot of the main ICT Safety page.


Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person. This includes online threats and mean, aggressive and rude messages to others.

Cyberbullying may also include making internet profiles with the intention to cause ridicule and also posting personal information, pictures or videos designed to hurt or embarrass someone else.

Students who feel threatened, upset or intimidated by online bullies should speak to parents/carers, teaching staff or the police. Screen shots of the contact made by the person or people bullying is good evidence to support any reports which are made.

More information and advice on how to mange all forms of bullying can be found on the sites below:


The National Bullying Helpline