At Laurus schools, we take pride in helping all of our pupils’ personal development. Beliefs and Values is our discreet part of the curriculum that explores pupils’ personal, social, health and economic needs throughout their time with us. Our PSHE curriculum has three main areas, and also covers the main Relationships, Sex and Health Education as set out by the Government (for more information on this please visit Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education – GOV.UK (
- Relationships
- Health
- Living in the Wider World
Relevant policies can be found on our policy page:
- Equality Policy
- Curriculum
- Teaching and Learning
- Relationship & Sex Education Policy
Information: We work to ensure that our school is an inclusive environment for all. In PSHE lessons, pupils learn about different relationships to foster an understanding and respectful environment, we also cover relevant laws to this end, for example The Equality Act 2010.Useful links:
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
As part of the 2020 Statutory Guidance, and to ensure our pupils are confident and empowered, our school delivers RSE to all year groups. We ensure that all material is age appropriate, which means basing our lessons on national, local and school data as well as training from organisation such as PSHE Association. The topic covered are based on the following key principles for relationships on and offline:
- My Body, My Business – everyone should be in control of their body and what happens to it
- Respect – for themselves and others
- Consent – permission is needed for any part of a relationships
- Empowerment – to be able to communicate what they want out of any relationship
- Upstanders – pupils understand what behaviour needs calling out and reporting
Pupils explore different types of relationships (e.g. friendships, romantic and intimate), relevant laws around relationships (e.g. on consent for intimate relationships) and what a healthy relationship includes and how to spot signs of an unhealthy relationship (and how to deal with this). We also learn about Harmful Sexual Behaviours towards peers and strangers, by understanding the laws and identifying what is acceptable and what is not.
Useful links:
Physical Health
Useful links: